    上海洛茵氟化工有限公司      查看公司简介>>
公司行业:     生物/制药/医疗/护理
公司性质:     外资(欧美)
公司规模:     少于50人
    发布日期:     2011/5/12     工作地点:     徐汇     招聘人数:     1
    工作年限:     应届毕业生     学历:     大专     工作性质:     全职
    1、协助完成公司行政事务工作及内部日常事务工作 2、协助审核、修订公司各项管理规章制度,进行日常行政工作的组织与管理 3、各项规章制度监督与执行 4、参与公司绩效管理、考勤等工作 5、奖惩办法的执行 6、协助进行内务、安全管理,为其他部门提供及时有效的行政服务 7、负责公司快件及传真的收发及传递 8、参与公司行政、采购事务管理 9、做好材料收集、档案管理、文书起草、公文制定、文件收发等工作 10、 对外相关部门联络接待,对内接待来访、接听来电、解答咨询及传递信息工作 11、 协助办理面试接待、会议、培训、公司集体活动组织与安排 12、 部分财务助理的工作,负责发货登记,货物跟踪, 采购记录,开发票
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    We, Shanghai Fchemicals are a research and development company specializing in catalogue chemical service, custom synthesis, contract research and medicinal building blocks. Fchemicals is famous for its high quality, excellent sale service and strong R&D Capability. Shanghai Fchemicals lays great emphasis on high-tech R&D, strict quality control and satisfactory customary service, with aims to build itself to a modern hi-technical company. Its young and experienced technician team is lead by Ph. D. doctors and masters under a modern management system. Supported by world-class chemists, Fchemicals can provide continuous and professional service and solutions in chemical synthesis, processing and FTE for its customers. Fchemicals's staff is all ready to assist customers in every way possible in order to support or speed up their drug discovery efforts. Fchemicals can always offer high quality products, sincere and efficient service to you, especially fluoro-containing intermediates, APIs and heterocyclic compounds such as pyridine series, indole series, azetidine series, pyrrolidine series, piperidine series, piperazine series, pyrimidine series, tetrahydropyran series, aziridine series. 目前我公司已于伊朗,巴基斯坦,韩国,马来西亚,英国, 西班牙建立贸易关系。我公司客户为世界知名500强企业。  

联 系 人:  方文静
电子邮箱:  fangwenjing@sinojob.com
地        址:  徐汇区